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Thursday, February 7, 2013

KCREA goes International

If you are looking for Commercial Real Estate in Louisville and you are asking a residential realtor and looking at the MLS, I'm afraid that you are searching about 7 or 8 years too late.    Please don't misunderstand, I am not knocking residential realtors at all.  It is just that the MLS eliminated commercial properties from their data base about 7 years ago.   

There are several on-line listing services which provide information on Commercial Real Estate.  I use several and I think that most of the commercial real estate specialists do as well.   Locally, KCREA, the Kentucky Commercial Real Estate Association, has most of those listings.   

KCREA is constantly evolving.  It is not perfect but it does seem to be actively trying to improve.   So I was pleased when I recently discovered that KCREA now has an option to translate the listing into several different languages.   If you do a search for a property and click on one, on the right side of the page, down several lines is an option to translate the page.  If you click on that option, several icons of flags appear.   If you are not familiar with the flags, when you roll over the flags, a label appears displaying the language.  (Languages include: Spanish, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian and Hebrew)  Click on the flag and the page will translate.

Pretty cool.   Now, as Paul Harvey would say, the rest of the story.   I speak a little Spanish and truth be told, the translation is not perfect.   Still, while the translation could be a little better, it certainly would be largely understandable to a Spanish speaker.  They might be somewhat amused at the translation but I suspect that they would be able to get the basic information and a decent understanding of what it being offered.  

I for one, think that this is a big step forward.   In our market, this is not yet a major issue although, in our office, we have worked with Cuban immigrants, who spoke almost no English, Russian business owners, who fortunately were bilingual, and Chinese business owners, who brought their kids to translate for them.   In some of our high schools, the students are speaking 30 or 40 different languages as their native language.  

Check it out.   You can go to and do some searching.   Then click on the Translate option and select a language.   If you find that you need some help, let me know. 

Thanks for reading and have a great day!


David W. McCoy
Associate Broker
Commonwealth Commercial Real Estate
10444 Bluegrass Parkway
Louisville, KY  40299

ofc: (502) 379-6005
cel: (502) 905-5274

Let me know if you need help with Commercial Real Estate.  I am a licensed Real Estate Broker in Kentucky and Indiana and I specialize in Commercial Property.  I handle Office, Industrial, Commercial Land, Investment, and Retail properties.   I work with Landlords, Tenants, Sellers, Buyers, and Investors.     Heck, I can even set you up with some help from a residential realtor if you need it.  Give me a call.  I would love to help.

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